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The greatest decision you can ever make in your life is to give yourself to the Lord and pursue His plan for your life.
  • What should I wear to church?
    There is no dress code at Harvest, although you should wear clothes of some kind! Seriously though, we are more concerned with you as a person than your wardrobe. Dress in what's most comfortable to you. Our services are all created around a warm, welcoming and relaxed atmosphere. You'll fit right in and have a great time.
  • What Are Your Worship Services Like?
    Our services include a time of singing led by our full band and singers, a practical and engaging message led by one of our Pastors, and a quick overview of any upcoming church events and announcements.
  • Where is the church located?
    Harvest Baptist Church is located directly off US Highway 66 in Verdigris, next door to Dave's RV. Our Street Address Is: 24733 S Highway 66 Claremore, OK 74019
  • Will I Be Expected To Give Financially?
    Absolutely Not! The offering time in our Main Service is simply how our members cover the operating expenses of our church and our ministry outreach efforts. Please do not feel pressured in any way to give during the offering time.
  • Do you offer anything for my kids?
    You bet! We LOVE kids at Harvest and believe they deserve our BEST efforts. We offer age-specific programming for every age group during all our service times. Your kids will be able to sing, play, create, and learn about God's Word with children their own age, all in a safe, friendly and nurturing environment. Our volunteers are fully-trained in CPR, background checked on a national level, and fully-vetted to ensure your child is well taken care of. We want to ensure that our parents can rest easy, knowing the entire family is learning and growing together in church.
  • How long are the services?
    Our Main Service last just over an hour. Our Sunday Bible Study classes typically last about 45min, and our Wednesday classes last one hour.
  • What's style of music do you have at Harvest?
    Our worship music is a blend of everything from new praise songs currently playing on the radio to classic hymns, all led by our worship band and singers. More importantly than style preference, we believe worship comes from our heart and our desire every week is to provide an atmosphere where each person can express their praise and adoration for who God is and all he has done for us.
  • Ready For The Good News?
    God loved us so much that he created and completed a rescue plan to save us from our sin. The Bible say's that God showed His love for us by sending His one and only son, Jesus, into the world to live and die for the sin of the world as a substitue for us. This was only possible because Jesus was fully God, yet fully human. He was able to live without sin; something you and I could never have done. Here's the best part! The Bible goes on to tell us that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. If we confess with our mouth and believe in our heart that Jesus died in our place, paying the price for our sin, then we are now made right with God. Therefore, our salvation is not in anything we have done on our own, but all because of what Jesus has done for us. It's a gift in the truest form!
  • But I'm a good person. Why do I need to be saved?
    You likely are a good person. In fact, you might be friendly, kind, compassionate, and pleasant. People may even be drawn to you because your good company. However, this isn't what determines where we spend eternity after we die. One of the books in the bible, "Romans", talks a lot about Salvation. Here we find that "All Have Sinned" and "Everyone Falls Short Of The Glory Of God". A few chapters later we read that the price of our sin is separation from God forever. Not because God doesn't love you, but because God is Holy and will not be in the presence of sin. That lie you told when you we're 7. That piece of candy you stole when you we're 9. That lustful though you had in your teen years, or that hateful thing you said to your spouse this morning. The reality is that we have ALL sinned, and the consequence of that sin is separation from God forever.
  • What Should I Do Now That I've Given My Life To The Lord?
    1. Tell someone! You just made a life-changing decision and it's important that you let other people know about it! 2. Use the form below to share your decision with our Pastoral Team here at Harvest. We will contact you to confirm the decision you have made and answer any questions you might still have. 3. You're next step on this new journey is Baptism. Baptism isn't what gets us into heaven. Instead, it's a biblical commandment given to new believers that allows them to share their newly made decision to follow Jesus with the local church. You can learn all about Baptism By Clicking Here.
  • How Do I Accept This Gift Of Salvation?
    1. Admit that you are a sinner. 2. Believe that Jesus died for your sin on the cross and rose again. 3. Give your life to the Lord and begin to pursue Him.
  • What Is Salvation Or "Being Saved"?"
    When someone say's they have been "saved", what they are referring to is the moment or time in their life that they confessed their need for God, and gave their life over to Him.
  • Who should be baptized?
    Every person who has accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior should follow God's command to be baptized. Baptism tells those around us, "I've Decided To Follow Jesus. I'm Different Now"!
  • What are the requirements before I can be baptized?
    1. Accept Jesus as your Lord and commit your life to live for Him. 2. Meet with on of our Pastors to confirm your faith. This is a simple conversation that you will have with one of the Pastors at Harvest when you submit your application to be baptized. During this time, we will walk you through the entire process of baptism so you'll know exactly what to expect, where to go when it's time to get baptized, and so on. That's it! Easy Right?
  • What Is Baptism?
    Baptism is a outward sign of an inward change that has happened. The Bible calls for Christians to take the step of Baptism as the first act of obedience to God's Plan for each of our lives. It's very important to understand that baptism is not what allows us to go to heaven when we die. That is only made possible by placing our shed blood of Jesus in payment for our sin.
  • Can I get baptized without first being saved?
    No. Before Salvation and making a decision to follow Jesus, baptism would mean nothing. It would simply be an act of dunking someone in a tank of water. The life change happens when we choose to follow Jesus. Baptism just reinforces our decision to live for Jesus with those around us.
  • My child just accepted Jesus. Should they get baptized now or wait until they understand what baptism is?
    This is a tough question and one that you might find yourself asking when you've raised your kids in the faith. It's exciting as a parent to see your child make their faith their own. It is important that your child truly understands what Salvation and Baptism are. This can't be rushed and it's something that your child will have to work through as you guide them and teach them what the Bible say's regarding these things. If you feel your child is still working to grasp the understanding of Salvation or Baptism, we recommend you wait on baptism and continue to have honest conversations with your child about their faith regulary. When you believe your child is ready and can tell you about Salvation and Baptism, as well as the differences between the two, it's probably time to consider Baptism. Still, baptism should be your child's choice, not something you ever force upon them. This allows your child to take ownership of their faith, and their walk with Jesus.
  • I Was Baptized In Another Church Differing From The Baptist Denomination. Will that work?
    We don't require an individuals baptism to have been done in a Baptist church. We do however require the baptism to have been a "fully-submerged" water baptism as opposed to a sprinkling. Baptism by submersion is mandated by God's Word and was set by Jesus' example in the Gospels. As a church, we want to honor the example of Jesus in every way. If you we're previously baptized in another church by sprinkling and would like to join, we will simply ask that you be fully baptized by submersion in one of our services. Our Pastoral team can work with you on this to make it a very simple process.
  • What Is Church Membership All About?
    Becoming a member of a local church isn't just about having your name on a roster or being part of a club. Instead, it's commiting ourselves to a greater cause and joining together as a team to maximize our impact as God works in and through us. When you choose to join Harvest as a member, you are acknowledging the work God is doing through the our local church body and commiting yourself to further that work by serving, giving, and growing together.
  • Can I Join Harvest By Transferring My Membership From Another Church?
    Yes, we are happy to accomodate church membership transfers by letter. When filling out a membership information card, you can note this and we will handle the work with your former church of transferring your membership.
  • What Is Required To Become A Member Of Harvest?
    There are 3 basic things that must happen before someone can join Harvest as a member: Personal Salvation Baptism (By Water Submersion) Attend A "Discover HBC" Class (:45/min Class)
  • What Is The "DISCOVER HBC" Class & Why Do I Need To Attend One?"
    DISCOVER HBC is an 45-min informative class led by one of our Pastors and covers topics including our core values & beliefs, our mission, membership process, community, service opportunities and more. It's a foundational class, meant to give you a firm overview of what Harvest is all about. This class also paves the way toward church membership at Harvest.
  • What happens at a LifeGroup Meeting?
    We have LifeGroups that are strictly recreational and do activities that include bonfires, potlucks, game nights, bowling nights, etc.. We also have groups that are home-based and include a short Bible Study. We'll help you find the type of group your looking for!
  • When Do LifeGroups Meet?
    We have LifeGroups that meet at all sorts of different times and locations. We want you to join a LifeGroup that will be a good fit for your family. While the choice is yours regarding which LifeGroup to join, we try to help you find a LifeGroup with other people in the same walk of life your currently in. This includes finding you a LifeGroup that meets during a time that's most compatabile with your schedule availability.
  • What Are HBC LifeGroups?
    Simply put, LifeGroups are a like a second family! We spend time together, share in life's great and "not so great" moments. In short, we do life together.
  • How Often Do LifeGroups Meet?
    Again, this varies by group. Most of our LifeGroups meet at least twice per month.
  • Can My Kids Attend A LifeGroup With Me?
    Absolutely, we are a family-minded church. We have LifeGroups that are full of kids. Not only does this help your kids make friends and build relationships in the church, but allows parent's in similar stages of life to grow together. Not in the children stage of life right now? No worries, we have "Kid-Free" LifeGroups available for you as well!
Have You Made A Decision To Follow Jesus Or Would You Like To Learn More?

Complete The Form Below And One Of Our Pastors Will Reach Out To You Soon

Please Select All That Apply:

We're so excited about your decision to follow Jesus.

One of our pastors will be in touch in the near future.

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